
Example available!



materials.get(path: string[, force_load: boolean]): Material

Returns the material object in the specified path.


materials.get_materials(partial_path: string[, force_load: boolean, callback: function]): table

If the callback is nil, it returns the table of material objects along the specified path. Otherwise the callback will be called. Access the material object using the arguments of the specified callback.


materials.create(name: strings, key_values: string): Material

Creates and returns a new material object

🔗 struct Material


material:get_name(): string

Returns the name of the material.


material:get_texture_group_name(): string

Returns the texture group name of the material.


material:var_flag(flag: number[, value: boolean]): boolean

Gets or sets the value of the material var flag.


material:shader_param(name: string[, value: any]): any

Gets or sets the value of the material shader parameter.


material:color_modulate([color: color])

Gets or sets the material color modulation value.


material:alpha_modulate([alpha: number])

Gets or sets the material alpha modulation value.


material:is_valid(): boolean

Returns true if the material is valid.



Resets the material properties to its original values along with discarding the override.


material:override(mat: Material)

Overrides material properties to properties from another material without setting them.

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